KDL Progress Report.

10 min readSep 12, 2022


A recap of the last few months, and some alpha on the next few!

The KDL team never stops! Time has flown by in a busy and determined haze for us, and you may need to down a coffee just to get through reading everything we have been up to these past few months. Living them was hard work, but exhilarating, and exactly what we want to be doing! Our whole team is laser focused, excited, and not slowing down!

This article will serve as a good resource for anyone that wants to get up to speed on everything KDL, and will bridge the gap since our last progress report, which you can read here.

As you may already know, we run a launchpad, a Dex, and are currently working on an epic NFT marketplace, which we’ll get into later in this article, but first…

Let’s kick things off with news from the Launchpad!

The Arkade IDO

An old-school arcade experience on web 3.0! How could we not get involved?

We recently worked with the Arkade team, hosting an IDO for their ARKD token. The crypto markets have been tough, but Arkade are tougher. They are building fast, they got the word out grinding AMAs and hosting 8 hour game-a-thons, registrations piled up, and the IDO was a sell out!

We reached the 160K KDA hard cap and had a blast working with this talented team in the process. They have so much on the way, and so much already going for them, go check out Arkade.fun and you will see exactly what we mean!

More Features

With 5 successful IDOs so far, KDLaunch has proven to be a trusted platform for projects and investors alike. This doesn’t mean we will stop refining and improving the experience though.

Here come the bullets!

  • A New WhiteList Redeem Feature

From now on whitelist allocations can be easily redeemed with voucher codes handed out by the projects. This eliminated the manual work, both for us and the users, caused by the old system of collecting k:addresses, and the frustration caused when a wallet address needed to be updated.

  • Vesting for IDO Tokens

We have updated the smart contracts for claiming tokens bought in our IDOs to include the vesting schedules of projects.

The claim function will work as normal for users, but enforces the amounts and dates set by each project’s vesting schedule.

  • IDO Alerts

You can now subscribe to receive an alert via email when a new IDO registration opens, and when tokens become available to claim. This subscription also includes a monthly newsletter to summarize any important updates you may have missed.

  • Tutorials on the IDO Process

The FAQ outlining how to participate was often overlooked by new users. So we have released short video tutorials, one for every step of the process, to guide new users.

Launched projects need a great Dex to list on… and that brings us to KDSwap!

KDS is building and growing like wildfire. Becoming the first Kadena DEX to reach a TVL of 1M USD, the first to list Kadena-wrapped USDC, allow custom token pair creation, and have our API implemented on LiveCoinWatch, CoinCodex, and soon, CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap. Just last week the KDS/KDA pair alone had a daily volume of over 1M USD!

We are so proud of KDSwap, and you should be too, the community built this Dex! It exists because that’s what was needed for the community, it improves because the community feeds us ideas on UI, UX, and features… and we listen! Recently adding statistics for KDL and KDS on market cap and circulating/total supply, with support for other tokens to follow, after receiving your feedback.

Same goes for the newly added toggle feature for verified tokens. A feature that hides unverified tokens by default, unless toggled on or searched for, to keep that clean look we have all come to love. Thanks again.

We don’t just wait for suggestions though, we’ve been ticking items off that ambitious roadmap too.

Custom Pairs were added

Anyone can now list their token, paired with KDA, on KDSwap. KDS/XXX and XXX/XXX custom pairs will also be available in the coming months.

The Token Locker is live

We added a token locker feature. Projects can now lock up team tokens according to their vesting schedules and share these locks publicly to keep things transparent for their communities. KDSwap team was the first to use this feature for our team tokens. But it’s not just for projects, like all our dex tools anyone can choose to use them as they wish.
Learn more here.

Discover Defi with the new Learn Tab

You can now find tutorials on using KDSwap, and educational videos on the principles of defi, right on the Dex. Check it out.

Zelcore Price Feed

We’ve enabled zelcore users to have a live price feed for Kadena tokens in their wallets, thanks to the integration of the LiveCoinWatch API, feeding from KDSwap API.

New Listings

The number of new token listings is exploding, but, respectfully, this is a shared achievement of the growing Kadena Eco-system, we are just happy to provide a platform for them!

The next token listing will be $ARKD on September the 15th.

And there is so much more to come! It’s all about growth, and we are making huge strides for all our projects and for all of Kadena, speaking of which…

We are gaining exposure across the crypto sphere

Thanks to our efforts with KDSwap, both KDL and KDS are now listed on CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, LiveCoinWatch, and CoinCodex.

Now we are starting to see many other great Kadena projects being listed. This was a big step forwards and we are thrilled to have played a major role here.

We received a grant from Kadena Eco

It seems we weren’t the only ones excited for our next endeavor, which is a game changing NFT marketplace we call LemonJuice!

Our team gets things done. We are building something great with or without anyone’s help, but we are extremely grateful to have received the support and recognition of Kadena Eco in the form of a grant for our next big project!

We are working with other projects from the community aswell…

We recently partnered with Lago Finance to bring kwUSDC to the Kadena Ecosystem via their Ethereum bridge and KDSwap!

KaDefi is now tracking the KDL and KDS token, KDL staking, and KDS liquidity pools on the beautiful portfolio tracker they built. We will be working with their team to provide some more options on their dapp for KDL and KDS in the future.

Our Social channels are growing too

KDLaunch twitter has now reached over 14K followers!

KDSwap twitter, since it’s inception just a few months ago, has reached almost 5K!

Pumping out quality content

It’s not enough to build great products, people need to know about them. This is why we continue to dedicate some of our time to creating valuable content to help spread awareness of our projects, and the rest of the Kadena eco-system aswell.


Our video podcast series kdlounge is becoming the go-to destination for in depth interviews and attracting some of the most influential people in the space, recently featuring CoinMetro CEO Kevin Murcko and Emily Pillmore of Kadena. But the drive behind kdlounge will always be to give new projects building on Kadena a platform to share their ideas, so please reach out to us if you want to join our community manager Afonso for an interview!

Check out our latest episode here.

Youtube Tutorial Series

We’ve added many more video tutorials to our youtube channel. These cover using our products, and crypto knowledge in general. We hope you find them useful, and that they will help new users feel welcome, and well informed.

Watch the latest tutorial with special guest co-host Cameron Bright.

Before we get to what’s coming next… we have a few updates on previous IDO partners

Docushield Update

It’s time for investors in the Docushield IDO to get excited!

- TGE will be happening on October 1st, with 100% unlock on tokens bought in the IDO.

- There will be no second IDO as previously planned, which is extremely advantageous to those that bought in the first IDO.

- Unsold tokens from the first IDO will be distributed proportionally to investors. (A healthy bonus!)

- As promised, tokens bought in the IDO were staked at 12%APR during the vesting period.

- A listing on KDSwap will follow shortly after TGE.

The team at Docushield are amazing and we are so happy to have worked with them. We are looking forward to listing that DOC token on KDSwap!

Timpi Update

Timpi have been hard at work since their IDO with KDLaunch, building out their own blockchain on Cosmos. The plan for Timpi had always been to be multi-chain, originally on Ethereum and Kadena, but they decided the best way to meet their needs was to build their own blockchain. So now their tokens will exist on Kadena, and Timpi chain, with each layer 1 serving different uses.

This has delayed the release of tokens from the first IDO, and the Timpi team recognized this was tough on early investors and have agreed to give all those who participated in the kdlaunch IDO 10% APR on their vested tokens! These extra rewards are coming directly from the Timpi team tokens, as a show of good faith to their community.

We have huge respect for a team that can make tough decisions, and pivot to something better when necessary. We are in good hands here and can’t wait to see what Timpi-chain will bring to the table. Learn all about their Layer 1 here.


As excited as we were to partner with EqualBet for an IDO, they are currently not able to build the project they had set out to, and therefore their IDO has not been scheduled. You can read about the reasons for cancellation here.

Ok, now you’re all caught up, let’s see what’s coming next!

For KDLaunch

More IDOs is the top priority for Kadena’s premier launchpad! We have been working with a number of promising projects as of late and will start rolling out announcements and setting dates over the coming weeks.

We have some new features in mind too, and will always keep innovating and improving the IDO experience.

For KDSwap

Multi-Asset Staking! Yes, it’s almost here!

Soon you can stake KDS and receive staking rewards in multiple assets. Opening the door to some serious utility for the KDS token, with cross platform rewards across KDL projects, and cross promotions with new listings.

We are also adding KDS custom pairs, advanced price charts with candlesticks, working on IL mitigation and implementing chain-agnostic functionality, holding a massive community distribution event, listing many new tokens, and most importantly, listening to what our users want! So keep those suggestions coming.

And for our next big project, Lemon Juice!

Ok, the dessert of the article, a little update on the next major expansion from the Kdlaunch team.

LemonJuice is not just any NFT market place, it will redefine NFT marketplaces. We are putting everything into this one, and we are ready to show the world exactly what the Kadena blockchain is capable of.

This isn’t a place to flip jpegs, this is the evolution of digital assets, artistic royalties, and unique ownership through non-fungible tokens. Seriously, this will be a game changer!

Our launchpad and Dex were both designed completely in house with our small and dedicated team, but we have decided to expand for our next project, hiring an external design studio.

Since LemonJuice will be an expression of art and total custody, we are working with the best of the best in UX/UI. The designers working on LemonJuice have worked for massive companies including Disney, Nike, and Pepsi, to name a few.

So, you will have world class talent designing the look and feel, and the skilled development and engineering team at KDLaunch bringing this vision to life!

The scope of this project has grown so large, so quickly, that it will demand a LitePaper/WhitePaper to cover everything, but please be patient while we write this, as there is some serious complexity to break down before releasing.

Using a bigger team means we will be a little less agile, and can’t promise the breakneck speed of delivery that you might be used to from the KDL team, but we can promise you this; The juice will be worth the squeeze!

Thanks for all the support

Community support means the world to us, and we love to hear from you.

You can always find a team member active in our Telegram and Discord channels if you have any questions. Thanks!




KDLabs is a team of dedicated builders in the crypto space. Bringing you great projects like KDLaunch, APLaunch, and KadenaNames!